

如何区别Waterproof Water Repellent Water Resistant


一)疏水——Water Repellent

“疏水”是指在AATCC(American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists,美国纺织化学师与印染师协会)技术规范(AATCC Technical Manual)里定义的Water Repellent。

按照AATCC的定义,“疏水性”是指面料防止被水浸湿的能力,而“抗水性”是指面料防止被水浸湿及防止水透过的能力。对于疏水性通常使用两种测试方法,AATCC TM 22(TM:Test Method,测试方法,下同)里定义的“喷雾测试(Spray Test)”和TM 70里定义的“滚筒动态吸收测试(Tumble Jar Dynamic Absorption Test)”。通过测试,可以评估出面料相对的疏水性,通常用一个0~100的值来表示。一般来说,疏水性到80~90的面料,就可以挂上“Water Repellent ”的标签了。


二)、抗水——Water Resistant

“抗水性”是指面料防止被水浸湿及防止水透过的能力。AATCC定义了3种测量拒水性的方法:TM 35 “雨测试(Rain Test)”,TM 42 “冲击渗透测试(Impact Penetration Test)”和TM 127 “流体静压力测试(Hydrostatic Pressure Test)”。



一般是指在布料底面做胶底,分coating和lamination两种,coating就是常说的涂层,lamination是复合一层防水料在后面。这个才是真正的防水,一般防水布料表面也有分做 W/R和不做W/R的,W/R+W/P当然就比单纯的W/R或W/P好。


应该说,防水的衣服必须有seam taping(在衣服里面缝骨处烫一条防水压胶)。


是一回事,着色(渗透)探伤的基本原理是利用毛细现象使渗透液渗入缺陷,经清洗使表面渗透液去除,而缺陷中的渗透残留,再利用显像剂的毛细管作用吸附出缺陷中残留渗透液而达到检验缺陷的目的。 二种说法都是利用渗透液来显示构件表面缺陷的一种探伤方法。 其操作过程是:首先将具有较强渗透性的渗透液涂在构件表面,使之渗于微小缺陷中,然后清除表面多余渗透液,之后再涂一层显像剂,使残留在缺陷中的渗透液被吸附,在表面显示出缺陷来。 按渗透液的不同,可分为荧光渗透探伤和着色渗透探伤。 查看原帖




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在这里向大家推荐一本关于Metasploit的书:Metasploit:The Penetration Tester's Guide.中文名译为Metasploit渗透测试指南。笔者有英文版的PDF。




具体下载目录在 /2012年资料/10月/5日/Ubuntu下安装Metasploit/Metasploit渗透测试指南英文原版


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Titanium Valves: 1. General shall not, without permission Party casting welding repair process. 2. Material forged titanium material shall be ASTM B381 Gr. F2, or Gr. F3. Casting titanium material shall be ASTM B367 Gr. C2, or Gr. C3. Titanium components, the maximum iron content of 0.07% and the maximum hydrogen capacity of 60ppm. Casting the mechanical properties of casting residue to comply with ASTM requirements. Stick Titanium Standard ASTM B348 Gr.5. 3. X-ray detection casting is subject to 100% X-ray detection test, based on ASTM E446 Class A, B, C 2-class standards, with no D, E, F. 4. Penetrant testing all the casting in the stress test carried out after the required 100% of the permeability test, in order to avoid casting the cracks, trachoma and so on. 5. Certificate B must provide a detailed mechanical performance testing, physical testing, chemical composition of reports and documents.  Hastelloy alloy valve 1. Castings Hastelloy Castings Hastelloy C4 and the need to use ASTM A494 Grade CW-2M of the alloy, the largest iron content does not exceed 2%. If you specify the use of Hastelloy C276, Ze Xu using UNS N10276 alloy, mechanical properties required to meet the ASTM minimum requirements. 2. X-ray detection for each casting is subject to ultrasonic or X-ray detection. After each batch and then take 10% of the testing, the nominal diameter greater than or equal 6 "of the body in need of complete testing, greater than or equal 8" in key parts of the body just for testing. -Ray flaw detection test based on ASTM E446 Class A, B, C 2-class standards, with no D, E, F. If you have casting did not meet testing standards be admitted to the batch number of the additional testing. If these two happen again does not meet state testing standards, then take all of the batch for testing. 3. Penetrant testing a batch of each supplier is required to provide penetration testing report at the same time need to provide mechanical tests, physical tests and chemical composition of reports. 4. Certificate B must provide a detailed mechanical performance testing, physical testing, chemical composition of reports and documents.  dual-phase steel valves: 1. A dual-phase steel all of the components required to meet the ASME V111, Div 1, Appendix 7 requirements. 2. Material Duplex steel castings for example, to comply with ASTM A995 Grade 4A for 2205 alloy, grade 6A for the 2507 alloy. Chemical composition, mechanical properties to meet the requirements of subparagraphs 3 to 5. 3. Chemical composition of the amount of corrosion-resistant duplex steel (PREN) according to the formula: PREN = (Cr wt% + 3.3 Mo wt% + 16 N wt%), calculate the value of not less than the following. 2205 Alloy - 34 2507 Alloy - 40 4. Chemical composition requirements are as follows Material 2205 Alloy 2507 Alloy maximum carbon content of 0.030% 0.030% chromium content of 21.5-23% 24-26% nickel content of 4.5-6.5% 5.5-8.0% Mo content of 2.9 -3.5% nitrogen content of 0.145-0.2% 3.6-4.0% 0.24-0.35% maximum sulfur content of 0.02% 0.02% maximum phosphorus content of 0.03% 0.03% maximum silicon content of 1.0% 0.8% maximum manganese content of 2.0% 1.5% tungsten content of 0.5% maximum 0.8% maximum copper content of 0.5% 0.75% 5. mechanical properties requirements are as follows Material 2205 alloy 2507 alloy minimum tensile strength of 620MPa 700MPa 0.2% deformation deflection (minimum) 450 MPa 550MPa Elongation (2in%) 25min 15min maximum stiffness of 290 BHN (30.5 Rc) 310 BFN 6. The remaining test casting heat treatment, the need to use samples of the following tests. Testing methods and the use of the standard details of the Party should be provided. Tension Test    Impact Test hardness testing  corrosion testing 7. Non-destructive testing, after the final heat treatment in accordance with the following annotation can be seen in non-destructive testing penetration testing X-ray detection range of 100% 100% testing a key component of the valve based on ANSI B16 .34 standard ASME VIII Div 1 App 8 ASME VIII Div 1 App 7 processes ASME VIII Div 1 App 8 ASME VIII Div 1 App 7 acceptance ASME VIII Div 1 App 8 ASME VIII Div 1 App 7







